Hack-a-Thon: Complete!

Category: Design, Work

Team Hack-A-Thon, gathered on Saturday, April 6th at the White River Conference Room to piece together the new Doula Foundation website. The room was buzzing with last minute set up and early arrivers in 1920’s dress as we overtook two tables and began to hack away. The room was buzzing with last minute set up and early arrivers in 1920’s dress as we overtook two tables and began to hack away. Shortly before 7:30, the new site launched live in front of the ARTcetera crowd. You can see the new site in all its glory here. Also noteworthy is the responsive design: 

Hack-a-Thon: Complete!

If you ever visited the previous website, you’ll notice a big difference in the look and feel of the site. We’re thrilled with how it looks and works, and The Doula Foundation seems pretty ecstatic as well. The Spread The Love Hack-A-Thon is a partnership between Departika and 40Digits  as a way to combine talents and give back to deserving organizations by building them a website in just one day.